Sage Wealth Strategy was built on the desire to help clients take control of their financial future through education and empowerment. Rather than trying to sell just another financial product, we teach them new processes for managing their money. To get started, each client takes part in a five-step process developed to help them truly understand their current financial situation and create a strategy to reach their goals.

Step 1 – Identify Your Why

The first step of working with a wealth strategist is to identify your why. Your why is unique to you, whether that’s planning for retirement to creating a legacy to benefit future generations. Understanding the driving force behind your motivations helps to develop a strategy that will align with your principles and reach your desired financial targets.

Step 2 – What’s Working and What’s Not

The next step is to discuss the strategies you already have in place. During this step of the process, we identify what parts of your strategy are working and which ones are falling short. Once we’ve compiled a list of current strategies, we can figure out their impact on your financial health.

Step 3 – How Much is Your Current Strategy Costing You

After we’ve identified the current strategies you utilize, it’s important to take a closer look at what those strategies are costing you. Because the financial industry often lacks transparency, most people do not even realize how much their current strategies impact their ability to grow wealth. From management fees to tax deferment, these strategies may actually be costing you more than you realize. Calculating these costs can help us find ways to either reduce their impact or eliminate them altogether.

Step 4 – Developing a Customized Strategy

Analyzing your why, goals for the future, and the current strategies you’re using play an important role in developing your new financial strategy. While strategies vary from client to client, we often use a combination of actuarial science and financial products to create a wealth building strategy. The end result is a strategy tailor-made to your unique needs to assist you as you embark on the path to financial freedom. Whether planning for retirement or your child’s college education, Sage Wealth Strategy can give you the tools you need to achieve your goals.

Step 5 – Implementation and Monitoring

One of the biggest benefits of working with a wealth strategist is that we don’t turn you loose once a strategy is in place. While we encourage you to take control of your finances, we remain active throughout the journey. Our goal is to build a lifelong partnership as a trusted resource as you implement your new wealth building strategies. Doing so not only helps to mitigate risk but can also help to keep you on the right track to reach your financial goals.

Learn how time, money, and purpose is paramount in securing your financial future.